Tuesday, December 11, 2007

To See As He Sees

I wrote this for my Christmas cards this year.

I see a night so dark.
You see the beginning of eternity.

I see an inn with no room.
You see an entrance for Your glory.

I see a woman with child.
You see Emmanuel, God with us.

I see a forlorn stable.
You see the throne room of the King.

I see a shining star.
You see the Light of the world.

I see a helpless babe.
You see the Prince of Peace.

I see swaddling cloths.
You see robes of the Anointed.

I see ten tiny fingers.
You see hands that will restore sight to the blind.

I see feet so small.
You see footprints of the Divine.

I see a child of insignificance.
You see our Redeemer.

I hear an infant’s cries.
You hear the voice of the Savior.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Autumn Joy

This is my nephew, Hayden. I took these pictures just 3 days after we laid his grandfather Johnny to rest. What still amazes me is the pure joy that can come from a roll in the leaves. Of course, Hayden isn't old enough to know of the loss and pain but still he lives in the moment regardless of the circumstances. For a few brief moments there was no sorrow only leaves to run through and his aunt to chase. This was a week filled with the unexpected: sorrow wrapped in joy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I know whom I have believed

“God is not a belief to which you give your assent. God becomes a reality whom you know intimately, meet everyday, one whose strength becomes your strength, whose love, your love. Live this life of the presence of God long enough and when someone asks you, “Do you believe there is a God?” you may find yourself answering, “No, I do not believe there is a God. I know there is a God.”~Ernest Boyer, Jr.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Meet Zoe, the newest member of the household. My dear friend in Dallas breeds the beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

Click here to see Zoe's brother and sisters!

Monday, October 29, 2007

What am I cultivating?

"We often avoid the unseemly and cultivate the faithful."

Thinking on this today....

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Perception is everything

From my devotional the other day....

"It's a matter of perception. Though God is big, our expectations of Him are not...He wants us to see Him as able and willing before we pray. Then we will see mountains move---according to His wisdom.

He will let us come to the end of our own abilities in order to accomplish His desire. What is this desire? For us to see Him as so large that everything else becomes small. But the mountains will usually remain until we see Him this way."

Why is my perception of God off? After asking God to answer this for me, He led me to a verse in Nehemiah. "For they [I] have not served You in their [my] kingdom..." - Nehemiah 9:35

At first I thought "my kingdom" meant the "places" in my life such as work, family, finances, church, etc. But after allowing God to show me what it truly meant, I came to realize that my kingdom is where I have influence, where my choices directly affect others. This is very much like a royal kingdom as we normally think of one. Every decision a king/queen makes affects their subjects.

My "rule" or influence/decisions are affected by what rules and influences me. Rule means to "act as umpire" or "to arbitrate". According to Scripture, what should rule me and influence my decisions? "Let the peace of God rule your heart." (Colossians 3:15)
"The peace of God should act as our umpire when anger, envy, and other passions arise in our hearts."

God has opened my eyes to a lot more on this. I'll share more later.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Yesterday I was sitting at the car dealership waiting for them to change my oil. After several minutes, the service guy came to tell me they had found an oil leak and it was going to be $900 to fix it as well as $300 to get my brakes replaced. After purchasing a house this summer finances have been extremely tight to say the least, so I haven't "caught up" as much as I would like. My first reaction to the news was "Lord, is it ever going to end? Can I please just catch a breath before the next wave hits?" After the guy left to get my car ready to leave I looked over at 2 older women who had brought one of their cars in for service. I do own a luxury car although it's an older model. So when these women came in they were carrying large shopping bags they had emptied from the car. A few minutes later both women had fallen asleep in their chairs. I couldn't help but wonder what it must be like to afford a newer luxury car and go shopping and buy what you want and not worry about the money. Would I ever reach the point that money wasn't a constant concern, that I didn't have to make the choice between paying my bills and buying a new cd every once in a while? Will I ever have enough? But before I could finish the thought it hit me. Is "enough" what I really, truly want? If I had enough money would I stop seeking God for provision and just rely on myself? If I had enough joy would I stop longing for more? If I had enough love would my heart be completely satisfied?

The past few days I have been following a blog about a young family whose newborn daughter has been fighting to live despite a terrible birth defect called Trisomy-18. Little Copeland was born not knowing how long she would live. God gave her 8 joyful days on this earth and she changed the hearts of many around the world including mine. She left this world for her heavenly home yesterday evening. You can visit her blog at

Her parents and family knew their precious little girl might die before she was born or only have hours to live. So every moment was spent having someone holding her, watching her, pouring out abundant amounts love on her. Enough was not in their vocabulary. More than enough was. They were determined to give her even more love, even more joy, even more peace. In her short 8 days she didn't receive just enough love; she made her way into heaven carrying bags full of more than enough.

I guess where I find myself is asking "What do I really want?", "What I am living for?" Is it just enough to be comfortable, just enough to feel happy, just enough? If I am then that isn't enough. God created me to have an abundant life; not just a life of enough. He promises to meet my every need according to his riches in glory, not according to my bank account. He promises to fufill my every desire if I will wait on Him, not me wandering aimlessly seeking happiness in my own strength. He promises a feast prepared for me even in the midst of my enemies.

Will I always have enough money to pay my bills, enough joy to spill onto others' lives, enough love to share? Probably not but I know the One who does, the Everlasting, Ever-faithful, Ever-loving, Ever-merciful, Ever-abundant God of heaven. May I not be found wanting just enough but may my needs always outweigh my ability. For only then will I find myself at the feet of Jesus seeking more than enough.